Interview Intelligence Knowledge Center

Why Should I Use An Interview AI?

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many industries, including hiring and recruitment. Hiring tools cannot replace human recruiters, but they have the potential to make their job easier. Pillar makes an interview AI platform that helps teams run a faster and more efficient interview process. Here is more information about why you should use interview artificial intelligence and how to get your team started:


Scheduling interviews is dependent on the matching availability of the interviewer and candidate. This might be an obstacle if time zones don’t match or the candidate can’t meet during regular hours. With an AI interview tool, job seekers record an interview on their own time, like an evening or weekend, and recruiters watch it during their normal hours. 

This flexibility allows companies to recruit candidates who may be in a full-time position that limits their availability. It also avoids the back-and-forth communication of scheduling interviews and allows recruiters and candidates to proceed at their convenience. Pillar records applicant interviews and has flexible options like collecting real-time feedback and creating summaries of the interviews for future reference. 


Artificial intelligence has the potential to speed up most stages of the hiring process. With interview AI tools, you can sort resumes, automate screenings, schedule interviews, and capture real-time feedback. These features allow the entire hiring cycle to be completed faster with artificial intelligence, freeing up time for recruiters and reducing waiting time for candidates.

Top candidates may not stay on the market long, and an efficient hiring process helps your company snag the top talent. With the ability to search databases, identify candidates, and even reach out to them for you, artificial intelligence expedites the process and may increase the quality of candidates. Pillar estimates that using interview AI saves between two and three weeks on each candidate hire, thanks to our simplified handoffs and feedback.


Using interview AI technology makes sure all candidates receive the same questions, creating a standardized and unbiased process. Human interviewers may unconsciously rephrase or choose different questions depending on the day, whereas artificial intelligence treats each applicant or batch of applicants the same. Some tools, like those from Pillar, even help your team improve their interviewing skills so the most helpful questions are being put forward every time.


Advanced predictive analytics from interview AI give recruiters the ability to quickly see the likelihood of a candidate’s success in a role. The more a tool is used, the better it learns what skills and experience make a job seeker likely to succeed. This feature allows resumes to be scanned faster as AI predicts which applicants stand out. Analytical tools may also be used during interviews, like Pillar’s ability to recommend questions based on the skills needed in the position.

Fast, comprehensive analysis gives recruiters time to spend on high-level tasks and the later stages of hiring instead of sorting through resumes. It helps guide interviews so the hiring team is able to make informed, confident final decisions. Pillar’s customers report lower turnover rates due to the data and skills comparison our tools provide.


Using artificial intelligence can help remove unconscious bias from the hiring process. Algorithms are trained to sort and assess applicants based on skills and qualifications. Areas of potential bias, such as age, gender, ethnicity, or any protected class, are ignored, treating each candidate fairly.

Interview AI can also improve diversity and equality in the workplace since human bias is removed. This ultimately benefits more than just candidates and recruiters, as research shows a diverse workforce has better employee engagement, productivity, and higher profits. Pillar customers report a significant increase in offers to diverse candidates and a decrease in first-year attrition rates.


Administrative tasks like scheduling interviews, sending paperwork, and recording feedback often accumulate and become time-consuming during the hiring process. Many of these tasks can be delegated to AI, making the process easier and faster for recruiters and job seekers. This may also help improve overall communication, increasing the likelihood of a positive experience for the candidate. 


Artificial intelligence's predictive algorithm and speed make it a scalable tool, allowing it to adapt to an increased workload without reduced performance or efficiency. Data models and AI infrastructures can be increased so they consistently fit the needs of your organization. Pillar works with high-performing companies to fulfill their current needs and help them grow by securing top talent.

Implementing Interview AI Technology

Artificial intelligence can improve the recruitment process and assist with company growth. It can alleviate the pressure of recurring tasks for recruiters and give them an edge in identifying top applicants. Pillar harnesses the power of interview AI to help teams run a better, faster interview process. We offer structured interviews, automated feedback collection, and AI interviewer training to help teams select the right candidates. Learn more about our solutions and request a demo today.

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