Artificial Intelligence Video Interview

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Artificial Intelligence Video Interview

A few years ago, well-dressed candidates would walk into a physical office, with a copy of their resume in hand, excited about their prospects of getting a job. Today, AI algorithms play a huge role in shaping a candidate's future. Tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) source candidates and build an applicant pool, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) line up candidates for interviews, digital assistants guide candidates through the application journey, and some major tech firms have even run hiring processes with minimal human input (and it didn't quite go as planned). In this article, let's dive into the world of AI video interviews - and why (in our mind) humans should absolutely be involved.

Historically, the job interview was a face-to-face interaction. A nervous candidate would sit across the table from an interviewer or hiring manager as they scanned the candidate's resume for skills, education, and experience that applied directly to the role. The interviewer would compare the resume to the job description, get a "gut feeling" about the candidate, ask some questions, and scribble some notes for the next interviewer. This is the way interviews worked for 100 years.

In recent years, AI has become the fastest-growing trend in recruiting. According to SHRM, as many as 64% of HR teams use AI in the hiring process. reports this number is significantly higher. Their reports show as much as 93% of HR teams use AI to save time and costs. Either way, it's reshaping hiring as we know it.

Now, artificial intelligence video interviews (or at least video interview bots that piggyback on an interview offering helpful tips, queueing interview questions, and offering helpful insights) are the norm. Using cutting-edge tools that fuse large language models (LLMs), machine learning (ML), and remote video platforms, these tools work hand in hand to gather interview insights and deliver helpful feedback- making interviews easier, fairer, and faster.

But if AI video interview software is so good, why should trained humans be involved? According to Prolific, AI is showing biases across many sectors. From Amazon's AI hiring algorithms that discriminated against women to Google's recent "Gemini snafu," these tools have proven unreliable at creating fair and objective interview processes when left to their own devices.

However, with humans at the helm, these tools can save time, automate steps that don't require "the human touch," gather insights, and record interviews with transcriptions that highlight a candidate's skills, experience, and knowledge. HR teams can use this data to eliminate interview biases, and understand how the candidate thinks; something that isn't always seen on a resume alone. What's more, AI video interview questions can be structured to create objective evaluation processes that are objective and fair for all candidates as they focus solely on the candidate's skills and experience, not on personal traits.

In short, artificial intelligence interviews are only as effective as the humans who manage them. That's why at Pillar, we've built interview intelligence software that “rides shotgun” in video interviews, queueing questions, delivering feedback, and providing interview insights, powered by AI. These insights can help you make data-driven hiring decisions to build a better team!

AI Video Interviews And Legal Implications

AI video interviews and the legal implications of using them have been a hot topic recently. One reason for this is the challenges we've seen with bias, but another has been their rapid adoption as organizations seek to save time and money in their hiring processes.

The White House's Office of Science, Technology, and Policy (OSTP) recently updated their "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights" to include a key line, "...important progress must not come at the price of civil rights or democratic values..." Meaning discrimination and inequity would not be tolerated.

Various jurisdictions across the US are beginning to enact laws and regulations to govern the use of AI in recruitment, aiming to protect candidates' rights and ensure fairness. A prime example is the Illinois AI Interview Act, which represents one of the first legal frameworks specifically addressing the use of artificial intelligence in the interview process. This act mandates transparency and consent by requiring companies to inform candidates when AI will be used to analyze video interviews, explain how the AI works, and obtain consent from the candidates before proceeding. The law underscores the importance of accountability and ethical considerations in the use of AI for recruitment, setting a precedent for future legislation in this evolving field.

As companies explore the use of AI in interviews, they need to be aware that there are legal and ethical implications to consider and ongoing legislation to be aware of. These new laws primarily focus on how companies can prepare for AI video interviews, use the data, and score candidates fairly and objectively, but they also include privacy and security considerations, and other factors.

Before using these tools (and the accompanying AI interview questions and answers many include in their solution) be sure you understand the latest legal implications and ethical considerations, obtain necessary consent from candidates, and take steps to mitigate any potential bias or discrimination. It's also essential to ensure that your AI interview software is regularly audited for fairness and accuracy by trained professionals.

At Pillar, we understand the importance of compliance and ethics in recruitment, which is why our interview intelligence is designed to incorporate structured interviews. This mitigates biases and creates a fair and objective interview process for all.

Questions On Artificial Intelligence With Answers

The controversy of AI in interviews can be boiled down to one question: can artificial intelligence really replace human judgment in the hiring process? While AI video interviews have undoubtedly made strides in eliminating discrimination and bias, there are still concerns about its effectiveness and fairness if left to its own devices. So let's delve into some commonly asked questions about AI in interviews and provide answers to shed some light on this topic.

Questions on Artificial Intelligence and Answers:

Q: Can AI video interviews accurately assess a candidate's skills and experience?

A: Yes, when properly implemented and managed by humans, AI video interviews can accurately assess a candidate's skills and experience through the lens of a well-written job description. This doesn't mean AI will score candidates - that must be done by a human who's had interview training.

Q: How could AI potentially eliminate bias in the hiring process?

A: AI could potentially eliminate bias in the hiring process by evaluating candidates solely on their skills and experience, rather than personal characteristics that may lead to unconscious biases. Additionally, using a well-written job description, structured interview questions, and removing identifying information from resumes can further reduce the potential for bias and properly inform the AI of the primary success metrics in a role.

Q: Can AI recruitment tools improve communication with candidates?

A: Yes! Two of the many examples would be: AI-powered tools like Paradox's Olivia engaging candidates through the application process, then tools like Pillar's (our shameless plug) interview intelligence software automating candidate/ interviewer introductions before interviews then assisting with scheduling, and providing feedback to candidates after the interview

Q: What measures can be taken to ensure fairness in AI video interviews?

A: To ensure fairness in AI video interviews, companies should regularly audit their software for accuracy and bias by trained professionals. It's also crucial to use structured interviews with well-written job descriptions and remove identifying information from resumes.

Q: Does interview prep for AI look different from traditional interviews?

A: Yes (AND) No. AI-powered video interviews should have the same structured approach and assess candidates on the same competencies and metrics as traditional interviews. However, the benefit of AI video interviews is shorter prep times, better insights, and automation that saves time. Some estimates show that HR teams, hiring managers, and recruiters save more than 4 hours per candidate- which is life-changing if you're interviewing for several open roles.

In conclusion, there's no way around the fact that AI is reshaping video interviews today. These tools are literally changing how we find and hire talent, as well as improving inclusivity and reducing bias. But we still need to be aware of the potential drawbacks and legal implications of using them. To get ahead of the curve, ensure your team is well-trained and appoint an internal champion responsible for staying current on compliance and ethical considerations when implementing AI in your recruitment processes. These things need to be considered at a local, state, and national level, so keeping up with legislation is key. With contentious use and proper attention to outcomes, these tools can drive meaningful impact across your entire organization.

Disclaimer: Please note that this content is not legal advice, nor should it be taken as such. Questions about the legality and compliance of using AI interview tools in your jurisdiction or state should be directed to a legal expert or professional.

If you have questions about implementing these tools helpfully and ethically, book a demo to chat with our team. We'd love to show you how interview intelligence can have a positive impact on your hiring!