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5 Benefits of Utilizing AI Recruiting Tools

The hiring process involves completing time-consuming interviews and reviewing candidate information. Pillar offers AI recruiting tools to simplify and streamline a business's hiring process. Here are a few of the benefits of implementing AI tools for recruitment: 

1. Providing Impartial Interviews

Interviewers may unintentionally introduce bias into the process when meeting with potential candidates. They may show bias by ignoring faults in some individuals or asking unfair questions. They can also offer an inconsistent interview experience for different candidates. The presence of bias in a hiring interview may lead to poor hiring decisions and skill shortages in your business or organization. 

Pillar's AI recruiting tools will help hiring managers avoid unconscious bias by simplifying the interview process. Our interview guides provide questions that interviewers can ask all of their candidates. This verifies that questions are consistent and fair. Hiring managers can describe the job they are interviewing for and what skills they prioritize, and our AI tools will generate questions related to that topic. This not only saves time because interviewers don't have to come up with questions themselves, but it also provides equal opportunities for all candidates. 

2. Simplifying Hiring Processes

When conducting interviews in person, hiring managers need to ask questions, listen to the answers, and gauge a candidate's suitability for the job. Multitasking during the interview may cause them to miss key information or forget details later. With the help of Pillar's AI tools, interviewers can simplify the hiring process. We offer AI-generated interview summaries and transcription tools that eliminate the need for recruiters to take extensive notes. Recruiters can also keep video highlights of the candidates to review their performance. These tools help recruiters save time and speed up the hiring process for potential candidates.

3. Diversifying Talent Pools

If a business only offers in-person interviews, it restricts its reach to individuals who live nearby or can travel to its location. Online interviews allow businesses to expand their reach and find qualified applicants from various places. Businesses can use online AI video software to find and meet with candidates remotely as long as they have an internet connection. The flexibility and convenience of online interviews may result in faster hiring decisions from a diverse pool of applicants. 

4. Improving Candidate Experiences

While recruiters evaluate candidates' suitability for a certain position, candidates also assess the recruiter to determine if they will be a good fit for the company. A positive interview experience may make a candidate more likely to accept a job position with your company. Recruiters can provide a good experience by asking relevant questions and setting clear expectations. Automating the interview process will help to save time for both the applicant and interviewer. Pillar not only provides question guides for interviewers to follow, but we also give training through webinars and other tools to help recruiters enhance the process for candidates. 

5. Highlighting Necessary Skills

If a recruiter is interviewing multiple candidates at the same time, they may have trouble remembering the differences between the applicants. Pillar's hiring tools let interviewers do a side-by-side skills comparison of potential candidates. Recruiters can easily view key differences in the strengths and weaknesses of each applicant. They can look at information such as education, work experience, achievements, and more. Recruiters are able to highlight applicants that stand out before sending the information to hiring managers. This makes it easier to make hiring decisions based on skills and merit rather than opinions. 

Get Started With Our AI Recruiting Tools

Pillar offers modern recruitment tools to make hiring more efficient for businesses. These tools' various benefits include reduced bias, streamlined processes, enhanced experiences, and more. Reach out to our team today to learn how to get started with our AI interview tools.

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