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How Video Interview Software Enhances the Hiring Process

Video interview software provides recruiters with an efficient and effective way to complete the hiring process. It allows them to review information and evaluate candidates before making a hiring decision. Here is more information about how video interview software helps enhance the hiring process:

Improved Assessments

With the help of video software during an interview, recruiters can easily review information at a later date. Watching the interview back will allow them to assess the candidate's communication skills, body language, and knowledge regarding certain subjects. This information can be difficult to gather over phone or email communications. Video interviews are a convenient method of evaluating candidates’ suitability for a job. Recordings can be referenced in future interviews or used to show potential candidates to hiring managers or business owners. 

Expanded Reach

Using video software during interviews allows recruiters to expand their talent pool. For businesses that only hold in-person interviews, their candidate pool is reduced to individuals who live nearby or are able to make the trip to the area. Paying for travel accommodations for candidates can be expensive and time-consuming for businesses. With online video software, recruiters can meet individuals from various locations. As long as they have access to an internet connection, candidates will be able to connect remotely and showcase their skills. Recruiters can get the same results as in-person interviews without geographic restrictions and the costs of transportation.

Reduced Bias

Interviewers may integrate unintentional bias in interviews. Bias may come in the form of how questions are asked or how candidates are evaluated. To combat unconscious bias, video software allows for a structured interview process. Recruiters use interview guides to make sure all of the questions are fair and consistent. They can also use the recorded videos to review the conversations and evaluate candidates based on the same criteria. Along with Pillar’s easy-to-use video software, we also offer AI-generated interview guides to direct and regulate questions.

Increased Focus

When conducting interviews, recruiters not only have to pay attention to the questions they are asking but they must also be able to listen carefully to the responses given. This often requires them to split their focus between multiple tasks at once. This may negatively affect their attention and the hiring process. With the help of video software, recruiters do not have to worry about taking notes. They simply focus on being present during the interview and then they can review the video recording as many times as necessary afterward. 

Improved Communication

During a video interview, candidates may discuss areas where they will need training or support. Recruiters can review these parts of the interview to determine the best ways to help these potential employees succeed in the new business environment. Along with helping to make hiring decisions, the information from video interviews may also translate to faster and more effective onboarding processes. 

Use Pillar’s Video Interview Software

Pillar offers helpful video interview software for HR representatives and hiring managers. Improve assessments, expand your reach, reduce bias, and more with the help of reliable video hiring software. Contact our team to simplify your hiring processes today.

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