5 Ways Interview Intelligence Software Can Save Time During Hiring
The hiring process involves several clerical tasks, like sorting through applications, identifying keywords, and setting up interviews. Implementing AI tools from Pillar can help your organization save time on these tasks when looking for new talent. Here are five ways that interview intelligence can save time during the hiring process:
1. Evaluate Applicant Resumes
If your job opening has several applicants, it could be time-consuming for you and your team to sift through applications manually. This task is prone to human error, which may lead to interviewing candidates who aren't suited for the role. AI tools save you time by automatically sorting through applications and searching for specific parameters set by your team. They search for keywords, education, experience, and other key details in a resume. Our interview intelligence tool will create a shortlist of the most qualified individuals for you to interview.
2. Schedule Interviews
Communication between the hiring team and multiple candidates consumes time that could be spent on other tasks. It may also lead to miscommunication or missed appointments. Pillar has AI tools that integrate with your company's calendering technology to schedule appointments. The tool asks the hiring team and candidates to submit their available times and then automatically schedules interviews that work for both sides. Automated emails send reminders to recruiters and applicants, lowering the chances of a missed interview.
3. Develop Interview Questions
Instead of relying on your team to write interview questions, integrate Pillar's interview tools to create standardized questions based on specific job requirements. These questions allow candidates to have a fair, unbiased assessment while delivering meaningful feedback that showcases their skills and experience. Using AI tools to automate the question development process saves you time that you can spend on other hiring tasks.
4. Provide Real-Time Feedback
Taking notes during in-person and online interviews may slow down the interview as you write down your thoughts. AI tools can record and transcribe the entire interview while you highlight the candidate's strengths and weaknesses. Automated notes allow you to focus on your interviewing skills, which could also improve the experience of the candidates. Our intelligence software records the key aspects of the interview, reducing the chance of human error or oversight. If you need clarification or want to review the interview, you and your team can access the video recording and transcriptions.
5. Coach Your Hiring Team
Interview intelligence software analyzes the interviewer's performance and gives tips and suggestions on how to improve. Having immediate interviewer feedback reduces the time it takes to review interview footage and coordinate trainings. Because the feedback happens in real time, interviewers can pivot or change irrelevant or unnecessary questions and focus on asking more relevant questions. This reduces the length of an interview and makes the hiring process more effective.
Explore Interview Intelligence Software
Pillar AI interview tools can help your organization save time during the interview process and yield better hiring results. Automated resume and application evaluations reduce the chance of clerical errors and help you find ideal candidates. Our software enables your team to conduct high-quality interviews while saving you time before, during, and after the interview process. Reach out to Pillar today to learn more about our AI interview tools.