Better Hiring Decisions: The Impact of Interview Intelligence on Speed, Fairness, & Quality of Hire

This comprehensive new report from Aptitude Research examines how interview intelligence can transform your hiring strategy and ensure that every interview counts.

Attracting & sourcing top talent is just
the beginning

The interview stage is where the real critical decisions are made, impacting quality of hire, candidate experience, DEI, and overall performance. When asked their top priorities for talent acquisition investment, companies consistently rank interviewing as number one.

Despite its importance, many organizations overlook this vital phase, resulting in inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Aptitude Research’s latest findings reveal that poor interview processes—marked by inconsistent communication, interviewer unpreparedness, and reliance on gut decisions—are causing 82% of recruiters to lose candidates.

But there’s a solution: Interview Intelligence.
View the Report

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Center your hiring decisions on objective reality, rather than subjective opinions. Interview effectively and select the right candidates every time with Pillar.

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“"With Pillar, we are now able to collect high quality candidate feedback in real time and 85% of feedback is submitted in 48 hours or less. Pillar has made it so that we never have to chase down an interviewer for feedback again.”

Director of People Operations
fortune 1000 software company