Online Interview Platform

Great teams start with great interviews.

By recording live interviews, our platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help teams run a faster, better interview process.

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Online Interview Platform

In recent years, the landscape of recruitment and talent acquisition has undergone a profound transformation, marked by the widespread adoption of online interview platforms. While many of these interview platforms lived online for the better part of the past decade, or more, the remote working requirements of the pandemic brought them into more popular use. These digital solutions represent a significant evolution from traditional face-to-face interviews, offering organizations and candidates alike a more convenient, efficient, and accessible approach to the hiring process.

The advent of online interview platforms can be traced back to the intersection of several key factors and trends in the modern workforce. The rapid globalization of business operations, coupled with advancements in technology and communication networks, has facilitated the emergence of remote work and distributed teams. As organizations seek to tap into talent pools beyond geographical boundaries, the need for scalable and flexible interview solutions has become increasingly apparent. Human resources teams are frequently on the lookout for the best online interview platforms available. 

Moreover, the demands of today's fast-paced and competitive job market have driven organizations to streamline their recruitment processes and reduce time-to-hire. Traditional in-person interviews often entail logistical challenges such as scheduling conflicts, travel expenses, and coordination across multiple stakeholders. In response to these needs and circumstances, online interview platforms have emerged as a viable solution, offering a range of features and functionalities designed to simplify and optimize the interview experience for both recruiters and candidates.

From video conferencing tools to dedicated interview platforms with built-in assessment capabilities, online interview platforms have become indispensable tools in the recruitment toolkit. These platforms enable recruiters to conduct interviews remotely, collaborate with colleagues in different locations, and evaluate candidates more efficiently. For candidates, online interviews offer the flexibility to participate from any location with an internet connection, reducing the need for travel and accommodating busy schedules. Interviewers are also utilizing interview intelligence tools, like Pillar’s, which allow them to streamline recruitment and build even more efficient hiring processes than ever before. 

In this article, we will delve deeper into the evolution of online interview platforms, exploring the needs and circumstances that have driven their creation and development. We will examine the key features and benefits of these platforms, as well as considerations for organizations looking to integrate them into their recruitment processes. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for conducting successful online interviews and navigating the unique challenges and opportunities they present in today's digital-first workforce.

Types Of Online Interview Platforms

Online interview tools encompass a diverse range of solutions tailored to various stages and aspects of the recruitment process. Here, we delve into different types of online interview platforms, including online video interview platforms, coding assessment platforms, technical evaluation platforms, and interview practice platforms, to name a few, and highlight their specific uses and benefits:

Video Interview Platforms:

Uses: Video interview platforms enable recruiters to conduct remote interviews with candidates using live video conferencing or pre-recorded video responses. These platforms are suitable for initial screening, remote collaboration among hiring teams, and assessing candidates' communication skills and professionalism.


  • Convenience: Eliminates the need for in-person interviews, saving time and travel expenses for both recruiters and candidates.
  • Flexibility: Allows candidates to participate from any location with an internet connection, accommodating busy schedules and global talent sourcing.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration among hiring teams across different locations, enabling them to review interviews, share feedback, and make informed decisions collectively.

Coding Assessment Platforms:

Uses: Coding assessment platforms are designed to evaluate candidates' coding skills and technical proficiency through coding challenges, projects, and assessments. These platforms are commonly used for technical roles in software development, engineering, and IT.


  • Standardization: Provides standardized coding challenges and assessments, ensuring consistency and fairness in evaluating candidates' technical abilities.
  • Skill Assessment: Offers insights into candidates' problem-solving skills, coding proficiency, and familiarity with programming languages and frameworks.
  • Efficiency: Automates the grading process, providing instant feedback to candidates and enabling recruiters to identify top performers quickly.

Technical Evaluation Platforms:

Uses: Technical evaluation platforms assess candidates' knowledge and expertise in specific technical domains, such as data science, cybersecurity, or network administration. These platforms often include quizzes, simulations, and scenario-based assessments.


  • Specialization: Tailored assessments for specialized technical roles enable recruiters to evaluate candidates' domain-specific knowledge and skills accurately.
  • Validation: Validates candidates' credentials and certifications, providing assurance of their technical competence and suitability for the role.
  • Customization: Allows organizations to create customized assessments aligned with their specific technical requirements and job roles.

Interview Practice Platforms:

Uses: Interview practice platforms provide candidates with opportunities to practice and refine their interview skills through mock interviews, behavioral assessments, and feedback sessions. These platforms help candidates prepare for upcoming interviews and improve their performance.


  • Skill Development: Offers candidates a safe environment to practice interview techniques, answer common interview questions, and receive constructive feedback.
  • Confidence Building: Boosts candidates' confidence and readiness for real interviews by simulating realistic interview scenarios and challenges.
  • Performance Improvement: Enables candidates to identify areas for improvement, refine their responses, and enhance their overall interview performance over time.

In summary, different types of online interview platforms serve distinct purposes in the recruitment process, ranging from initial screening and technical assessment to interview preparation and practice. By leveraging these platforms strategically, organizations can streamline their hiring processes, assess candidates effectively, and make informed hiring decisions that align with their talent acquisition goals and objectives.

Video Interviewing Platform

Video interviewing has become a cornerstone of modern recruitment practices, offering organizations and candidates a convenient and efficient way to conduct interviews remotely. There are two primary types of video interviewing platforms and the interviews that are conducted on them. These are: pre-recorded video interviews and live video interviews. Let's delve into each type:

Pre-recorded Video Interviews:

  • Definition: In a pre-recorded video interview, candidates record their responses to a series of predetermined questions using a video interview platform. These questions are typically set by the hiring organization and can cover a range of topics, including behavioral scenarios, skills assessment, and cultural fit.
  • Process: Candidates receive an invitation to complete the pre-recorded interview, usually via email or through the interview platform. They are provided with instructions and a deadline for submitting their video responses. Candidates can record their responses at their convenience, typically within a specified timeframe.
  • Benefits:
  • Flexibility: Pre-recorded video interviews offer candidates flexibility in terms of when and where they complete the interview, accommodating their schedules and preferences.
  • Time Efficiency: Recruiters can review candidates' video responses at their convenience, allowing them to assess multiple candidates in a shorter timeframe compared to traditional in-person interviews.
  • Standardization: Pre-recorded video interviews provide consistency in the interview process, as all candidates are asked the same set of questions, ensuring fairness and objectivity in evaluation.

Live Video Interviews:

  • Definition: In a live video interview, candidates and interviewers connect in real-time using a video conferencing platform. This format simulates a traditional face-to-face interview, allowing for interactive communication and immediate feedback.
  • Process: Live video interviews are scheduled in advance, and candidates receive a link or invitation to join the virtual meeting at the designated time. Interviewers and candidates log in to the video conferencing platform at the scheduled time, and the interview proceeds as if conducted in person.
  • Benefits:
  • Real-Time Interaction: Live video interviews enable candidates and interviewers to engage in real-time conversation, fostering rapport, and allowing for spontaneous dialogue.
  • Personal Connection: Candidates have the opportunity to showcase their personality, communication skills, and professionalism through live interaction, enhancing the interviewer's perception of their suitability for the role.
  • Immediate Clarification: Interviewers can ask follow-up questions, clarify doubts, and probe deeper into candidates' responses during the interview, facilitating a more comprehensive evaluation of their qualifications and fit.

In summary, both pre-recorded and live video interviews offer distinct advantages in the recruitment process. Pre-recorded interviews provide flexibility and standardization, while live interviews offer real-time interaction and personal connection. By leveraging the appropriate type of video interview based on their hiring needs and objectives, organizations can streamline their recruitment processes, assess candidates effectively, and make informed hiring decisions.

Hiring managers have also wondered about the role of AI in online interviews because this is a hot topic in recruitment today. With the emergence of AI, there is also a development of AI interview software available on the market. Users who are interested in utilizing AI in online interviews can find a variety of tools at their disposal. Keep in mind, this technology is fairly new, only recently introduced in 2023, and will continue to develop and improve with time. If you’re not finding what you’re looking for, it may simply not be available yet!

Video Interview Platform

Phone and video call interviews are both common methods used in the recruitment process, each offering unique advantages and considerations. Let's explore the differences between these two formats and the potential advantages of each:

Phone Call Interviews:

  1. Convenience: Phone call interviews are convenient for both recruiters and candidates, as they require only a phone line or mobile device and can be conducted from any location with cellular reception.
  2. Minimal Technology Requirements: Phone interviews do not require specialized technology or internet connectivity, making them accessible to candidates who may have limited access to computers or stable internet connections.
  3. Focus on Verbal Communication: Phone interviews focus primarily on verbal communication, allowing candidates to articulate their responses clearly without the distractions of visual cues or body language.
  4. Flexibility: Phone interviews are flexible and easy to schedule, as they do not require coordinating video conferencing platforms or arranging for video equipment.

Video Call Interviews:

  1. Visual Communication: Video call interviews allow for visual communication, enabling recruiters to assess candidates' non-verbal cues, facial expressions, and body language during the interview. 
  2. Enhanced Engagement: Video call interviews foster a greater sense of engagement and connection between recruiters and candidates, as they can see each other face-to-face and establish rapport more effectively. Recruiters or human resources teams can utilize the best video interview software or online video interview platforms to ensure an edge whereas phone interviews usually use only phones and do not require or utilize special tech. 
  3. Assessment of Professionalism: Video call interviews provide insight into candidates' professionalism, attire, and demeanor, which may not be apparent in phone interviews.
  4. Global Reach: Video call interviews facilitate global talent acquisition by enabling recruiters to conduct interviews with candidates located anywhere in the world, without the need for travel or in-person meetings.

Preferred Circumstances for Each:

Phone Call Interviews:

  • When assessing verbal communication skills and qualifications without the need for visual cues or body language.
  • For initial screening and shortlisting candidates based on basic criteria such as job fit and availability.
  • When scheduling constraints or technical limitations make video calls impractical or inaccessible.

Video Call Interviews:

  • When evaluating candidates' non-verbal communication, interpersonal skills, and cultural fit for the organization.
  • For conducting more in-depth interviews and assessing candidates for roles that require strong communication and presentation abilities.
  • When recruiting remote or international candidates, as video calls offer a more personal and interactive alternative to phone interviews. Plus, if hiring teams have invested in online video interview platform software or video interview platform technology, such as Pillar’s interview intelligence programming, they will want to make the most of their investments. 

In summary, both phone and video call interviews offer distinct advantages and considerations in the recruitment process. Recruiters should consider the specific requirements of each role, the preferences of candidates, and the logistical constraints when determining the most suitable interview format for a given situation. By leveraging the appropriate interview format strategically, organizations can effectively evaluate candidates, build rapport, and make informed hiring decisions that align with their talent acquisition goals.