intake meetings 101: setting the stage for hiring success

Finding the right talent starts well before the first interview... begins with a structured intake meeting. Despite their critical role in the hiring process, intake meetings are often run badly. That's why we've created this guide - to help you set up every role for faster, better hiring.

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what's inside?

A structured intake meeting agenda

Key questions to align on role responsibilities & success metrics (+ a free intake form)

Sample candidate requirements for common roles

Ideal interview structure & key skills for common roles

See Pillar in Action

Intake meetings are the foundation for a smooth, efficient, and successful hiring process. Pillar’s interview intelligence platform helps you generate a detailed intake plan outlining what each interviewer should accomplish during every interview.

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"Using AI, Pillar records our intake meetings, automatically creates and completes intake forms, plans our interview process for more effective outcomes, and enables interviewer consistency. It's the best and only way for us to set up our hiring efforts for success from the very beginning."

Diretor of Talent Operations
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