Video Interview Trends

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Video Interview Trends

A few years ago, I noticed a trend. Friends of mine recruiting for software companies were asking applicants for client-facing roles to send 2-minute videos on why they were a perfect fit for the role.

This is brilliant- if you think about it, many of the dynamic questions you'd be able to ask in an interview could be answered in a short video.

When COVID hit, this trend exploded. With in-person interviews on pause, companies had to get creative about how they would assess candidates.

Enter the video interview.

However, it's not just client-facing roles anymore. Video interviews have become the rule instead of an exception for all roles and industries.

If you're hiring today, here are some video interview trends that you need to know about:

1. The use of interview intelligence software, powered by AI.

This software can help you score and review video interviews like traditional interviews. The AI watches the interview, records, and transcribes the whole interaction looking for keywords, facial expressions, and body language cues to give you an understanding of the candidate's fit for a role.

Interview intelligence software also allows you to give feedback in real time. Creating a scorecard for each candidate so that interviewers can compare each individual side-by-side as they make a hiring decision.

Interview intelligence software can also provide questions as prompts which keeps the interview on track and allows the company to set a baseline for each role they're hiring for. This allows a semi-structured question format that's fair and reduces interviewer bias in zoom interviews.

2. The rise of "live" video interviews.

With Zoom (and other video conferencing platforms) being the new normal, more and more companies are getting creative with how they use video to assess candidates.One trend that I've seen is the rise of "live" video interviews.

In a live video interview, the interviewer and candidate meet in a Zoom room and the interview starts.

The candidate has no idea what questions they'll be asked or what the interviewer will say.

This allows companies to see how a candidate reacts under pressure and assess their ability to think on their feet - two important skills, especially for a sales role where an Account Executive may be asked questions they're surprised by.

3. The use of video to assess "soft skills."

Soft skills are notoriously difficult to assess in an interview. How do you know if a candidate is truly coachable or if they have a growth mindset?

One way companies are addressing this is by using video to assess soft skills.

For example, a company may ask a candidate to record a short pitch video, showcasing a product or service that they'd be offering a prospect.

This allows the company to see how well the candidate communicates, their level of excitement for the role, and how coachable they may be.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of online interviews. However, if you're hiring today, it's important to be aware of the latest trends so that you can make the most of this new interviewing format.

Video Interview Statistics

Video interview success rates have increased by a dramatic margin since the global pandemic began.

Job interview statistics in 2022 show that:

- According to Indeed, the average video interview lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, but in-person interviews last between 45 and 90 minutes.
- Indeed data also showed that 82% of employers are now using video interviews as part of their hiring process, and 93% of those plan to continue.

The benefits of video interviewing are numerous. From the employer's perspective, you can reach a larger pool of candidates without incurring the cost of travel.

From the candidate's perspective, you can interview from the comfort of your own home and don't have to take time off work and incur the cost of travel.

Pillar's in-house video interview statistics (over the past 12 months) have shown a 50% reduction in employee turnover, 2x faster hiring times and a 40% increase in hiring diversity for teams using our software.

Video interviewing is here to stay. The global pandemic has forced companies to rethink how they hire, and video interviewing is one of the most popular methods.

If you're not already using video interviews as part of your hiring process, now is the time to start. Not only will you be able to hire faster, but you'll also be able to reduce employee turnover and improve your hiring diversity.

Virtual Group Interview

In the past few years, one of the things companies have begun doing is panel interviews. This is where the candidate meets with a group of interviewers or a team at the same time to ask them questions.

Also known as a virtual group interview, this interviewing style has grown in popularity because it allows companies to get a sense of how the candidate reacts under pressure and how they interact with an entire team.

However, there are some drawbacks to this type of interview. Firstly, it can be overwhelming for the candidate.

One of the problems with panel interviews is that they can be intimidating for candidates. If a candidate feels like they're being interrogated by a group.

It can also be difficult to get a sense of the candidate's true personality if they're surrounded by other people.

That being said, panel interviews can effectively assess a candidate's ability to think on their feet and interact with others.

If you decide to use this type of interview, ensure that you prepare your team of interviewers for the interview.

Giving the panel access to documents or interview intelligence software that will walk them through the process of interviewing and providing feedback on candidates while also providing a great candidate experience is key.

There are also several benefits of virtual interviews:

- You can reach a larger pool of candidates as you’re not limited by geography.
- Candidates are more likely to be comfortable in their environment, which can lead to better performance.
- There is no need for expensive travel or accommodation costs.
- Interviews can be scheduled around the candidate's availability.
- You can easily record, transcribe, and review interviews. And, leave notes for other interviewers.

Virtual interviews are becoming increasingly popular and are here to stay. If you haven't already, now is a great time to start using them as part of your hiring process.

Virtual Interview Questions

Virtual interview questions and answers will vary drastically based on the role you're hiring for, that said it's important to keep several things in mind whether you're interviewing in person or virtually.

The goal of the interview is to assess if the candidate has the required skills and experience for the role.

This means that the qualifications for the role are center stage during the interview.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you prepare for your virtual interview:

- Do your research: make sure you know everything there is to know about the role and the candidate to be sure it's a fit. This will help you ask more targeted questions.
- Prepare a list of questions: write down a list of semi-structured virtual interview questions that you will ask each candidate. This will help you keep the interview focused and on track. These questions should fall into 3 primary categories:

1. Behavioral Questions
2. Technical Questions
3. Cultural Fit Questions

Behavioral questions will assess a candidate's ability to perform in the role.

Technical questions will test a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the role.

Cultural fit questions will help you understand if the candidate is a good match for your company's culture.

This line of questioning will allow you to see if the candidate is a good match for the role, team, and company.

Virtual Interview Do's and Don'ts

Virtual interview do's and don'ts are similar to those for in-person interviews, but add in a new dynamic - technology. And, if you don't prepare well, you could be in for a surprise.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when conducting a virtual interview:


- Do test your technology: before the interview starts, make sure that your audio and video are working properly. This will help avoid any technical glitches during the interview.-
- Do dress the part: although you're interviewing virtually, it's important to feel confident.
- Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
- Test your audio and video settings before the interview.
- Find a quiet place to conduct the interview, and consider noise-canceling headphones so you can hear clearly.
- Give the candidate time to answer each question
- Ask follow-up questions that show you were actively listening to the candidate's responses.

- Try to wing it. Prepare for the interview just as you would for an in-person interview.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're having technical difficulties.
- Don't sit in front of a window, the light can make it hard to see your face.
- Don't forget to smile, it will come across on camera.
- Don't eat or drink during the interview, it's distracting.
- Don't interrupt the candidate, let them finish answering each question.
- Don't forget to thank the candidate for their time at the end of the interview.

A great virtual interview tip for hiring managers is to ask each candidate the same set of questions. This will help you compare apples to apples when making your final decision.

When conducting a virtual interview, it's important to remember that first impressions still matter. Candidates will be judging you just as much as you're judging them, so make sure you put your best foot forward.

If you're preparing your team for panel interviews, make sure and run a mock virtual interview example their first time to see how they work together and what improvements need to be made.

Panel interviews can be great for getting different perspectives on a candidate, but they can also be overwhelming. If you're not careful, the interview can become a free-for-all and lose focus.

Here are 7 virtual interview questions and answers to help you prepare your team for their next panel interview:

1. What is your greatest achievement? And what core characteristic do you believe helped you achieve it?
2. What have you seen about our company that makes you think you'd love working here?
3. Tell me about your favorite role. What made it the most fun?
4. Tell me about a time when you had to overcome a challenge. How did you decide what it would take to overcome?
5. How do you think technology has changed the way we communicate? What's the best way to communicate with you and how do you enjoy communicating with your team?
6. What do you think is the biggest challenge businesses face today? How would you suggest we overcome this challenge?
7. How do you think the workforce will change in the next 10 years? Are you preparing yourself for this change, if so, how, if not, why

?If you take a second look at each of these questions, they lead back to a deeper question.


It's important to understand a candidate's motivations to get an accurate assessment of their potential.

By asking, "WHY?" you can probe deeper into a candidate's thought process and understand how they would approach similar situations in the future.

A person's "why" is probably the thing that makes them most themselves. And, if you can find candidates whose "why" aligns with yours, they'll be far more likely to stay when the company inevitably hits a rough patch.

Making hiring decisions is tough, but these decisions can be made much better with the right tools.

Pillar is a leading interview intelligence software, with a suite of tools designed to help you make better hiring decisions. Over the past 12 months, hiring managers and recruiting teams using our software have cut their time-to-hire in half and lowered employee turnover by 50%.

If you're looking for a better way to assess top talent, schedule a demo with us today.